Papers with tag office

contactlist double A4

contactlist double A4 preview

Contactlist with name and address info on an A4 size paper in a horizontal, landscape orientation. It has two copies on one sheet so easy to cut or fold. Or just print it double sided.

time planner quadrant 2x A4

time planner quadrant 2x A4 preview

Time planner quadrant on an A4 size paper in a horizontal, landscape orientation. This sheets has 2 quadrants where you can sort important and less urgent items.

weekly employee timesheet A4

weekly employee timesheet A4 preview

Weekly emplotee timesheet on an A4 size paper in a vertical, portrait orientation. This double timesheet helps you track work hours so you can see what your employees are working on.

weekly employee timesheet letter

weekly employee timesheet letter preview

Weekly emplotee timesheet on a letter size paper in a vertical, portrait orientation. This double timesheet helps you track work hours so you can see what your employees are working on.

9 hour day planner start 0900 a4

9 hour day planner start 0900 a4 preview

9 hour day planner on an A4 size paper in a vertical, portrait orientation. Starting at 09.00 this dateless schedule let you plan your tasks, todos and appointments by the hour.

9 hour day planner start 0800 a4

9 hour day planner start 0800 a4 preview

9 hour day planner on an A4 size paper in a vertical, portrait orientation. Starting at 08.00 this dateless schedule let you plan your tasks, todos and appointments by the hour.